Sep 24Liked by Sandra de Helen

Sandra, hope your arm and shoulder are feeling better today. Don't you love that we live in the era of free video's on just about any topic! It is so wonderful to watch a pro do whatever job we are about to tackle. Of course well done books are also very helpful with their words to the wise as we layout a pattern or adjust it for our body type. I am aware of Claire Schaeffer's many books. Isn't she terrific! Happy to say that my local library has a few of her books still on their shelves. They are a few years old now and I am worried that they will get pulled before long. (Hate that libraries cannot distinguish the books that are hard to replace.) Will be looking forward to your Chanel adventure! Keep us posted!

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Thank you, Sandy. Yes the disappearing book thing is the reason I bought these two. I don't own a lot of books (well, not as many as I used to), because I get most of my books from the library. My arm and shoulder ARE feeling better today! I appreciate your comments so much.

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Sep 23Liked by Sandra de Helen

It's fun to know what sources you use. Make your own Chanel is a goal worth studying before you cut.

Enjoy your process.

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Thank you, Rae. I have gained patience over the years. I never could have done this properly when I was young.

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