Oh, I so remember my Mum putting ringlets in my hair (I don't know if they are called that over there?) But you look so sweet. My birthday is in November, but you are allowed to start school before you are six here. It was okay for me I was one of the oldest, but for three of my children their birthdays are in August, so they started at 5 years and didn't turn 6 until it was nearly time to start the next year. This September I have one starting in year 10, and the other starting her second year of college in the first year (she failed last year so is starting again). It's never to late to learn. I'm currently learning French. I don't know why but I'm surprised at how much I remember from school.

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Ringlets, oh yes, definitely called that here. At least back then. I'm also learning French and wishing for an email penpal. Would you be interested in that? If so, private message me for email address exchange.

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Sep 9Liked by Sandra de Helen

My, you were a very pretty little girl! And so sweetly dressed, too. I am quite taken with your being able to remember those early years. It has brought back many memories. Like you, I always looked forward to school starting. And I liked being at school. You and I have several things in common, Sandra. With my birthday falling in late December, I had to wait a year to start school. And no kindergarten was available at that time. Though I went to Lutheran Vacation Bible School in the summers, they did not have a private elementary school. So this is where are start in life was different. I had to wait a year and felt a little like I was going to school with babies! lol But, I had a mother hen tendency and it all worked out. Thanks for sharing your photos and story!

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Thanks Sandy. We DO have a lot in common. If I had known I was going to have a baby sister in November, I probably could have waited a year to go to school. But I'm glad I didn't. I guess they just didn't have kindergarten back then? Hm. Another rabbit hole to go down. lol

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I think kindergarten had to be funded separately from public schools at that time. And we lived in a rather sparsely populated spot that just couldn't swing the cost. I forgot to mention that I also was the oldest and an only child at the time that I started school. My sister came along when I was in 2nd grade! I remember staying with a wonderful young couple named Sam and May Jones. They had 2 young boys. We spent a lot of time roller skating in their basement which had 2 x 4 posts and a floor that sloped around a drain to accommodate spills from the laundry sink and wringer washer. Those skates were the kind with a key that you clamped on to your shoes!!! One of the boys asked me how I would like a baby brother? I told him I would throw it in the garbage! Yikes! I think they had just sling-shotted me across the room, causing me to skin my knee. Justice in my mind. LOL

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