As one of your English readers I was surprised to see that you were measuring in grammes and not cups. I use both imperial and metric. Perhaps you do the same? Looks lovely.🐰

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Ah, I just follow the recipe. My kitchen scale can do metric or Imperial. I keep meaning to learn Metric, but there are so many other things ... Thanks for reading and commenting. I appreciate it.

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‘Cups’ is the measure which I associate with America. Is that old fashioned then?🐰

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Not at all. It's the most usual on US recipes.

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Jun 24Liked by Sandra de Helen

That angel food cake looks beautiful! ✨ So does your kitchen! You made quick work of that sink full of dishes to wash! I hope you are enjoying a reward of your lovely cake. Since it is strawberry season, I might use them and some whip cream for strawberry shortcake! 🤗🎈

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My daughter had hers with strawberries and strawberry sorbet. I can't eat seeds, so I had mine with just the sorbet. Delicious! Whipped cream would be great, but I didn't have any, so ... Thanks for the kudos re dishes and kitchen. The kitchen is woefully short on space, cabinet space, counter space ... but my grandma made do with none of the above! Mom's kitchen was even smaller than mine with zero counter space. We use what we have.

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Jun 24Liked by Sandra de Helen

YUM! That sounds very good, too!

You handle the small kitchen thingy better than I do. I blame all small kitchens on men. Let the little woman work in her small kitchen. GRRR ..... There might be a play in there somewhere!!! 😄

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Ha ha, one of those "kitchen sink" plays, no doubt. Go for it!

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Jun 24Liked by Sandra de Helen

Kitchen sink play! LOL That could be Act 2. As you are a playwright, please jump in if you are so inclined. I am pretty good at watching plays. 😅

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Jun 24Liked by Sandra de Helen

My mom baked angel food cakes sometimes. Since she was the world's worst cook (except for me) that's a marvel. I remember the cake pan on the bottle. Thanks for the memory.

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Jun 24Liked by Sandra de Helen

I have no idea why our mom was like that with food. She used the cheapest powdered creamer for her cheap instant coffee. She preferred the imitation cheese and always bought the cheapest beer. I think there is a pattern here. Anyway, we are eating salads with fresh ingredients from the farmers market. I need to bake banana bread but we are under a heat warning still, so that will wait.

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Well, she did live through the depression, so maybe that's why, but also just being poor means buying cheaper food. Why she continued it her whole life though is a mystery we'll never solve. Your banana bread will be delicious, and I hope your temps go down (though I see a 100 in the forecast).

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